512 No. 40th StreetBuilding Permit:
April 1909
Building Style:
American Craftsmen
Building costs:
J. Jeffrey Davey
Minnie Pearl Epeneter
The Epeneter'’s built this house in 1910 and lived here from 1912 until 1924.
Annie Elizabeth Rush bough the house in 1924 and lived there with her husband, John Rush, and her daughter,
Florence, who was a teacher at South High , and her sister, continued to live in the house after their parents died until 1973, when they sold it and moved across the street to the Cadbury Apartments.
The Rush family was one of Omaha'’s first schoolteachers. He later was elected the county superintendent of schools, was the county treasurer and a national bank examiner. He married Annie Ferry in 1868 and they had 14 children. His wife'’s father was James Ferry, who was the first contractor in Omaha and is credited with building many of Omaha'’s early buildings. The Ferry family is noted in a Nebraska History Magazine as having the first white child born in Omaha, Mrs. Rush'’s sister Margaret, in 1854.
Bloggers note: Take a moment to appreciate the very old Elm tree that is going in this home's front yard. This has to be one of the few Elm's to escape the devistating effects of Dutch Elm Disease.